• Are you struggling to repay your debt?

  • Have insufficient money for your monthly expenses?

  • Receiving constant calls for payment on your accounts?

  • Are your accounts in arrears and have no means of catching up?

  • Is there a risk of your assets being repossessed?

  • Are you taking from Peter to pay Paul?

A NCR registered debt counsellor can help reduce your monthly debt repayments to something you can afford and is acceptable to your credit providers whilst giving you sufficient monies to afford your monthly living expenses.

Enquire here

What is debt Counselling?

The NCA introduced Debt Counselling otherwise known as Debt Review to assist over-indebted consumers by means of proposing a new repayment plan which is affordable to you and acceptable to your credit providers.

The process assists consumers that are struggling to repay their debt while trying to maintain their monthly living expenses.

To qualify for Debt counselling, the NCA defines an over-indebted consumer to be unable to meet their financial monthly living expense and their debt obligations in a timely manner.

The Process is simple and uncomplicated

  • Complete an application and provide our offices with a list of your credit providers.
    (Consultation can be done in person, via email or telephonically).

  • A Debt Counsellor will assess your application.

  • Upon an accepted application, notification is sent to all your credit providers.

  • Your credit provides supply our offices with the status of your accounts.

  • New payment proposals are prepared and presented based on the disposable income available from your budget.

  • Your credit providers will provide our offices with either acceptances or counter offers.

  • An application to court is made for a court order to protect your assets and finalise the new payment plan.

  • Your new consolidated monthly payment is made to a NCR accredited payment agency that distributes on your behalf.
    (Monthly distribution statements are emailed).

  • Monthly distribution statements are emailed to you once distributed.

We are Here to Help You

Start your application today

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Pros and Cons of debt counselling


  • Your debt repayment is reduced to up to 60%.

  • There’s 1 single affordable consolidated monthly repayment.

  • Your assets are protected.

  • Your creditors cannot take legal action.

  • There’s no permanent record on the credit bureaux’s.

  • Regain control of your finances.


  • You are not allowed more credit.

  • It does cost money.

  • Your debts may take longer to pay off (our offices can advise on how to shorten the process though).

  • You might pay back more interest based on the fact you are taking longer to pay off the debt.

  • You are listed as being under debt review thus to avoid you getting more credit (but this is removed upon exit of the process).

  • Some legal accounts can legally be excluded but our offices will negotiate and request the inclusion of such.


Debt Counsellor

My name is Carol and I am a Debt Counsellor registered with the NCR in 2008.

I truly believe in the debt counselling process and have had success with a number of clientele that have been able to work through the process and ultimately take back control of their finances. They have also become wiser and far more disciplined knowing the ‘cost’ associated with debt and the toll it takes on their livelihood.

Having said that though, we are human, Some of us parents and with the economy influencing our monthly living expenses – I fully understand how it is we get caught up in the whirlwind cycle of just surviving, paying debt and not fully enjoying living life to the fullest. My aim is to Curb UR Debt and assist you to be become financially free.

Your financial freedom starts now.

It always seems impossible, untill it's done.

Nelson Mandela.